Provides information on all aspects of engineering. Includes journals, magazines, conference proceedings, standards, and books. Also has recommendations for textbooks to support coursework.
Provides access to articles from up to 3,800 journals and over 37,000 book titles. ScienceDirect brings the world of open science to you wherever you are. With over 250,000 open access publications at your fingertips, the next big step towards discovery is yours to take. It covers biological sciences, medicine, engineering, and chemistry.
This database is fully funded, or partially funded, by an HBCU Title III grant from the U.S. Department of Education, P031B220034, 2023-2027.
Books on Engineering can be found in the EBSCO EDS Discovery and on the EBSCO E-books Platform.
TSU Libraries provides full text access to 1,869 engineer journals. It has subscription to journals published by the American Society for Civil Engineers (ASCE) and the American Society for Mechanical Engineers (ASME). All titles can be found in Publicafion Finder.