I began working at the Brown-Daniel Library as Head of Acquisitions in 1997 and became Coordinator and later Assistant Director for Collection Management. I currently serve as the Dean of Libraries and Media Centers with the rank of Associate Professor. In addition to my Master's in Library Service degree from Atlanta University, I have a graduate degree in U.S. History Prior to 1877 from the University of South Florida. My publications include biographies in the Encyclopedia of African American Business (2006) and Notable African American Men, vol. 2(2007) Encyclopedia of African American Popular Culture (2011) and Black Women of the Harlem Renaissance (2014).
I am a Director for the Charleston Library Conference and currently write a column, “Collection Management Matters,” for its journal, Against the Grain. As a member of the American Library Association’s Association for College and Research Libraries Division, I serve as the Past Convener for the African American Studies Librarian Interest Group (AASLIG). I am a member of the Black Caucus of ALA and the Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH). I have memberships in the ALA Biblioquilters and the American Quilters Society.