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UNIV 1000: Service to Leadership

This guide is intended to assist Freshmen students with the course UNIV:1000- Service to Leadership.

What is Service to Leadership?

This freshman orientation course constitutes a significant part of the freshman year experience.  It is not a freshman year program. The course covers information to enhance your understanding of higher education processes and facilitates your transitioning from high school to college. The course addresses and assists you in the development of important skills such as critical thinking, writing, test-taking, computer literacy, time management and financial literary.  The course will introduce a formal process to assist with your career development and mandate that you be in contact with the University career development center.  Finally this course will help you build leadership skills and an appreciation of civic engagement as a core component through service-learning activities.

Student Learning Outcomes /Course Objectives

  • First-year students, at Tennessee State University, who successfully complete this course, will be able to:             
  • Identify academic and student support services provided by the University (e.g., advisement, tutoring);
  • Acknowledge the impact of class attendance on final course grade;
  • Understand the best times and ways for productive study;
  • Demonstrate knowledge of financial aid policies and importance of timely completion of FAFSA;
  • Understand importance of limiting amount of financial aid and impact of failing or withdrawing/dropping;
  • Identify career options through interest and aptitude tests in relation to declared major and understand the importance of following the degree map as a means of timely degree completion;
  • Develop and begin to utilize an educational plan based on defined personal and career goals;
  • Demonstrate knowledge of policies and procedures outlined in the academic catalog and the student handbook (e.g., appeals process);
  • Understand the importance of remaining healthy (eating habits and exercise) in relation to learning, retention and time to graduation;
  • Ability to recognize dating violence, stalking, sexual assault and knowledge of how to report incidences;
  • Demonstrate an understanding of service-learning and the value of civic engagement through participation in leadership and service learning experiences.