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UNIV 1000: Service to Leadership

This guide is intended to assist Freshmen students with the course UNIV:1000- Service to Leadership.

ATTENDANCE:  Attendance is required as it helps to ensure success in all learning activities. It is your responsibility to notify your instructor immediately of expected absences, excused absences, and late arrival to class. Participation in class discussions is also encouraged. Students who come to class having completed the assignment for the day, who ask questions and participate in discussions, and who bring up points of interest are more successful than those who do not engage in these learning activities.

It is your responsibility to inform the instructor of any anticipated absences, and to contact the instructor to find out what work was missed during a period of absence.  If you must leave early, inform the instructor before class begins and sit near the door so that you do not disturb class when you leave.  Provisions for late and missed assignments will be made only in the instances of unusual circumstances beyond the student’s control.  University excused absences should be submitted to Dr. William Hytche, 

See page 34 of the TSU Undergraduate Catalog for Class Attendance and Policy on Excessive Absences.  Attendance is reported to the University continuously throughout the semester. 

Student Activities:  Student Athletes/Band Members/University Sponsored Activities: Student athletes and band members should provide the instructor with official documentation of any team- or band- related travel that may interfere with class attendance by the end of the second week of class. You are expected to turn in any assignments PRIOR to traveling.

INCLEMENT WEATHER In case of inclement weather, check the TSU homepage website or call (615) 963-5090 or (615) 963-5171 to verify university closings.

The Importance of Building a Professional Relationship with Your Professor

Professors are professionals, intellectuals, researchers, analysts, artists, musicians, writers, parents, and more. These people who dedicate their lives to educating the next generation are some of the greatest resources of your entire lives. It is pertinent for students to take the time to cultivate a professional relationship with their professors.

Reasons  to build a professional relationship with your professor

  • A Close Bond Can Assist Deeper Learning
  • Career Questions and Networking
  • A Built-In Mentor
  • Professors Make Great References