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Teaching & Learning

Undergraduate & Graduate Level Research and Information

Graduate Research: Teaching & Learning

The Graduate Research of the Teaching  & Learning Libguide focuses on educational resource topics: theories, pedagogies, and facilitating student learning in the classroom environment. 

Case Studies in Educational Research


Focus on how people behave in cultural settings, such as the culture within a classroom.

Suggested search string: 

Ethnography AND Education, American Education AND Ethnography


Use a variety of evidences to understand a context over time, such as the founding and development of a private school.

Suggested search string:

Historical Case Study AND Tertiary Education


Psychological case studies, such as studies by Piaget on his own children, look at individuals and analyze their behavior.

Suggested search string:

FT(Human Psychological Development) AND Education AND (Teaching AND Learning) - choose document type "Case Study" under Document Type under refine results.


Focus on social constructs and use demographics to analyze the case, such as socioeconomic differences within a school (Merriam, 1998).

Suggested search string:

Socioeconomic Case Studies AND Education

Principles and Frameworks

5E Model

The 5Es are an instructional model encompassing the phases Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate, steps which educators have traditionally taught students to move through in phases. In the final phase, students evaluate, reflecting on and providing evidence of their new understanding of the material.




Accelerated Learning Cycle

The Accelerated Learning Cycle is based on the work of Alastair Smith and ALITE, amongst other educational professionals. The cycle has active engagement through multi-sensory learning, encourages the demonstrating understanding of learning in a variety of ways and the consolidation of knowing.


Universal Design for Learning

The UDL Guidelines are a tool used in the implementation of Universal Design for Learning, a framework to improve and optimize teaching and learning for all people based on scientific insights into how humans learn. Learn more about the Universal Design for Learning framework from CAST.

Universal Design for Learning Guidelines

Metacognition refers to one’s understanding and knowledge about what one knows and how one learns (Flavell,, ). This knowledge and understanding allows individuals to benefit from learning experiences and influences their use of cognitive strategies. Metacognition is developmental in that children’s perceptions of what they know and how they learn change as a function of increased age (e.g., Flavell,). For example, if asked how many words they can remember, younger children will likely overestimate their ability. As a result, they will not actively use any strategies to remember the list of words. As they grow older, and realize that they cannot just remember large bits of information without effort, they are more likely to strategize and use strategies to perform tasks. Metacognitive skills include the procedural knowledge (i.e., strategies) needed to gain control over one’s learning (Veenman, Kok, & Blote,).

Metacognition | Encyclopedia

Writing Learning Outcomes/Objectives can prove to be somewhat challenging and as a student, you may be interested in resources to assist with such a task. Below are resources that will prove to be beneficial in assisting you with writing your outcomes" 

The mnemonic SMART —can be used to describe the elements of a well-written learning objective. Verbs such as understand, know, learn, appreciate, believe, be familiar with, comprehend, and so on, are not observable or measurable and should be avoided

Reflective Professional Practice

The resources provided below cover critical analysis of actions, goals and ethics within the field of education. 

Instructional Leadership

The resources below provide: the understandings, skills and dispositions needed for the democratic transformation of schools and related settings.

Social Analysis

The resources provided below cover the critical assessment of the dominant paradigms, institutional patterns and power inequities that shape education.

Thesis Dissertation Preparation