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Teaching & Learning

Undergraduate & Graduate Level Research and Information

Teaching and Learning: An Introduction

Image of a lightbulb Welcome to the Research guide for undergraduate and graduate students in the field of Teaching & Learning within the College of Education! The purpose of this guide is to give you an introduction to the available resources (print and electronic) in the University's Library Holdings in addition to written instructions and video tutorials on how to create successful search strategies. 

Teaching Social Justice

Image of a handprint made up of words like "educate," "power," and "worldview."Social justice is recognizing and acting upon the power that we have for making positive change. Teachers might include classroom practices that will make this dynamic explicit. Teachers can both maintain high-quality content instruction and create a classroom with a social justice orientation. Also, a social justice orientation is appropriate for all classrooms. This isn't something that just gets done in diverse classrooms, or classrooms that lack diversity, or urban classrooms -- or any other special category of school. It is a way of teaching and being that supports high-level thinking and learning throughout our lives (Dell' Angelo, 2014).

Bibliotherapy and the Classroom

Bibliotherapy-The use of books as therapy in the treatment of mental or psychological disorders (to help one cope with emotional challenges, mental health issues, or changes in their lives; typically to produce a result of personality growth and development). According to Berry (Nur Fathiyah, 2006) bibliotherapy is divided into two types, they are: 1) clinical type and 2) education/humanistic type. a). Clinical Type. It is a psychotherapy form done by health profession like psychiatrist, psychologist, social workers, etc. Education/humanistic type is often seen in school environments, for more information:

Future Ready Librarians

Leading from the Library

As schools seek to become future ready, it is necessary to identify and cultivate leadership beyond district and building leaders. School librarians lead, teach, and support the Future Ready goals of their school and district in a variety of ways through their professional practices, programs, and spaces. If properly prepared and supported, school librarians are well-positioned to be at the leading edge of the digital transformation of learning. For more information: Future Ready Libraria"future ready librarians" chartns

Teaching and Learning Databases

Educators: HBCU C2 Initiative

Picture of three men behind a table

TSU will serve as a hub for training educators and preparing students by providing multiple pathways and opportunities to acquire essential digital literacies and technological new skills of coding and creativity. Click the picture to sign up or learn more!

United States Department of Education at TSU Libraries

US Department of Education seal

TSU's Main Campus Library holds a Federal Depository of Government Documents. What can be found in Government Documents are pamphlets, curriculum kits, posters, books, grant information, and so much more on the Department of Education. Please click the icon (above) to learn more about Government Documents. 

Creative Commons License
TSU Teaching & Learning Guide is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.