MERLOT is a one-stop source for locating and creating educational resources.
A TSU-specific version of MERLOT is TSU-EXCEL4ed.
California Open Online Library for Education
Open Culture -- A vast collection of textbooks, feature films, courses, and other resources.
Mason OER Metafinder -- One-stop search mechanism for finding OERs, created by the George Mason University Library.
OER Commons-- " a public digital library of open educational resources."
Open Michigan -- OERs from the University of Michigan system.
UCI Open -- An open education initiative at the University of California Irvine.
OERTX -- Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board's OER portal
UNC System Course Enhancement and OER Collections -- Currently contains primarily math and sciences materials.
OASIS (Openly Available Sources Integrated Search) - a search tool that aims to make the discovery of open content easier. OASIS currently searches open content from 115 different sources and contains 455,499 records.
Openverse - An extensive library of free stock photos, images, and audio, available for free use.
Open Textbook Library - Open textbooks are licensed by authors and publishers to be freely used and adapted. Download, edit and distribute them at no cost.
MIT OpenCourseWare -- supplemental materials from MIT courses
OCW Scholar (MIT) -- courses created from actual MIT course materials
Alison -- Certificate and diploma-level courses in most fields.
Academic Earth -- an aggregator of university lectures
Open Learning Initiative (Carnegie Mellon University)
Delft University of Technology -- courseware in engineering and the environment
Johns Hopkins Open Course Ware
Stanford Engineering Everywhere -- computer science, artificial intelligence, and linear systems
OpenStax CNX -- textbooks in all disciplines (although weighted toward business and the sciences), elementary school through college
FreeTechBooks -- links to approximately 1200 books on mathematics, computer science, and programming
Open Textbook Library -- college textbooks in most areas
Free -- books in business and the sciences. Offers a free trial.
Flat World -- textbooks in all disciplines
Bibliomania -- classic texts and study guides for them.
Electronic Open Stacks -- digital facsimiles at the University of Chicago Library.
The Online Library of Liberty -- digitized books from the library of the conservative Liberty Fund foundation.
Project Gutenberg -- over 57,000 free ebooks (mostly older works).
Rand Books and Publications -- books and periodicals (primarily 21st-century) on public policy.
Academic Journals -- links to approximately 100 journals, with an emphasis on the sciences
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) -- journals in most subjects
OMICS International -- journals in the sciences
Oxford Open Journals -- a mixture of fully-open (mostly sciences) and limited open access
Science Direct - Open Access (fully open access) -- almost 700 journals; some in the humanities and social sciences; a few in languages other than English
Science Direct - Open Access (contains open access) -- almost 2,000 journals
Springer Open -- approximately 200 journals, and 600 books, in a range of disciplines
Wiley Open Access -- journals in the sciences
This guide is based on the Affordable Learning Solutions: Open Educational Resources by College from San Jose State University, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Under this license, you are free to copy and redistribute the material it contains in any medium or format. Also, you may remix, transform, and build upon the material. Authors of the original include Adriana Poo, Linda Crotty, Ann Agee, Christina Mune, Cory Laurence, Markita Dawson, Marva Tomer, and Michelle Chimento.