The vast majority of our holdings are unique, rare or fragile. We ask that researchers help preserve these items for future generations by following these procedures:
- More than one box or volume of material may be requested for research, but only one unit may be used at a time. Remove only one folder at a time from boxes. A staff member will provide “out” cards so that researchers can mark where folders have been removed.
- Please keep the contents of the folder in the order in which they were found. If folders or materials appear to be out of order, please alert a staff member.
- Materials must lie flat on the tables. Please do not fold, trace, write on, lean on, or otherwise handle the documents in ways likely to damage them.
- Gloves may be required to handle our materials, particularly negatives, photographs, metal objects, and prints. A staff member will provide these gloves when necessary. Photographic materials should only be handled by the edges.