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Agriculture and Environmental Science Research

This research guide provides suggested library resources for Agriculture and Environmental Science, such as books, e-books, and databases.

Resources available through the Brown-Daniel Library.

Guide to Starting a Thesis Proposal

Relevant Databases

Databases are for students, faculty, and staff of Tennessee State University to find journal articles, images, and other information relative to their research interests. 

Books and eBooks

Below is a sampling of books on agriculture and environmental science at the Brown-Daniel Library. To locate titles, please see the following Library of Congress call numbers:

Class S - Agriculture (Located on the Third Floor, Main Library)

Subclass S - Agriculture (General)

Subclass SB - Plant culture

Subclass SD - Forestry

Subclass SF - Animal culture

Subclass SH - Aquaculture, Fisheries, Angling

Subclass SK - Hunting sports

Class G - Geography, Anthropology, Recreation (Located on the First Floor, Main Library)

Subclass G - Geography (General), Atlases, Maps

Subclass GA - Mathematical geography, Cartography

Subclass GE - Environmental Sciences

If you cannot find a specific book you would like in our catalog, feel free to request it through Interlibrary Loan. If you are Agricultural Science faculty/staff, please contact  Dr. Elizabeth Johnson at

EBooks are available through the Brown-Daniel Library and can be read online. Below are links to a sampling of accessible eBooks on the subjects of agriculture and environmental science. To find more titles, please search our catalog and constrain your results by selecting eBooks under "Limit By Source Type" located on the left side of the page. eBooks are only accessible to the Tennessee State University community.

BrowZine for Earth and Environmental Sciences