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English 1010

An introduction to the fundamentals of written composition and communication through the study of illustrative essays, as well as an introduction to the reading and critical analysis of essays. Grammar and mechanics

News Resources

We subscribe to six different newspaper databases, which have news articles from the past and present, and you can find them here:

You can also go directly to news websites.

One thing that you should know about news sources is that there is no such thing as a non-biased news article. Some students use Ad Fontes Media's guide to credible sources, which can be found here: There is not a guarantee that this guide is completely without bias, however. The best way to research the news is to look at varying news sites and look at the original sources that the papers are using. If you cannot find the original source or the story is not being corroborated you may be looking at fake news. You can find out about fake news on our guide: