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Textbooks on Reserve at the Libraries: Home

This guide contains the list of reserve items currently available at the TSU Libraries

Reserve Items

Reserves are comprised of course related materials that support the academic programs of the University. Reserves are not intended to replace compulsory textbooks and other resources required for courses. Reserve items are placed on the shelf at the request of the instructor. All course materials may not be available on Reserve. Please contact the instructor to request items to be placed on Reserve. You may also suggest items to be added to the TSU Library collection at:  

Reserves are checked out for in-library use only for four (4) hours at a time. A TSU ID is required.  Items can be renewed if no other user is waiting. Reserves are checked out on a first come, first serve basis and may not be placed on hold, or set aside.

Reserve items consist of textbooks, course materials, headphones, graphing calculators, memory sticks, Chromebooks, and office supply kits. 

To view Reserve books held at the Access Services Desk, please use the following two links:




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