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Textbooks on Reserve at the Libraries: Textbooks and Course Materials Placed on Reserve by Professors

This guide contains the list of reserve items currently available at the TSU Libraries

Course Material Placed On Reserve by Professors

Anderson, Jill

ENGL 2110, 2120

Norton Anthology of American Literature, 9th ed. Vols. A,B,C,D,E

Browne, Sheri

HIST 2011, 2021

O Pioneers!                                                                                                                                              

The Struggle for Freedom: A History of African Americans, v.1 and v.2. 2007

Caudle, Carolyn

BIOL 2230, 2400, 2401

Laboratory Experiments in Microbiology, 11th ed. 2016

Microbiology: An Introduction 12th ed. 2016.

Chaires, Mark

CRMJ 2010, 2011, 3300

Introduction to Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice 11th ed.

Introduction to Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice 12th ed.

Police Administration: Structures, Processes, and Behaviors 8th ed.

Police Administration: Structures, Processes, and Behaviors 9th ed.

Dachowski, Elizabeth

HIST 2010

Abina and the Important Men

The Death of Woman Wang

The Return of Martin Guerre

Jeffress, Michael

COMM 3150

Communication, Sport, and Disability: The Case of Power Soccer

Media and Communication Research Methods. P91.3.B385 2020*

COMM 4250

Leadership and Communication: A Communication Perspective


SPAN 1010, 1020       

Dos mundos: ComunicacioÌn y comunidad                                                                        

ENGL 2310, 2312

The Longman Anthology World Literature, 2nd ed. Volumes A, B, C


MATH 1005, 1013, 1130, 1410, 1830, 1910, 1920, 2010, 3130

PHYS 2010, 2020

College Physics, 4th ed.

Contemporary Abstract Algebra, 6th ed.

Heat and Thermodynamics, 7th ed.  

Introduction to Programming with Mathematica, 2nd ed.   

Mathematics: A Human Endeavor, 3rd ed. 

Mathematics for Elementary Teachers, 9th ed.  

Numerical Methods Using MATLAB, 4th ed.

Thermal Physics, 2nd ed.

Sears and Zemansky's University Physics, 13th ed.

Padgett, David

GEOG 1010

Contemporary World Regional Geography, 4th ed. 2012

Pickard, Robert

HIST 1000, 1210, 2020, 2012

America Divided

Sam Phillips: The Man Who Invented Rock N' Roll

Sanford, E. Kelly

SOCI 3700

Diversity and Society, 2004

Race and Ethnicity in Society: The Changing Landscape

Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Social Issues

Fair and Foul: Beyond the Myths and Paradoxes of Sport

Slavery: Opposing Viewpoints

The Women’s Rights Movement: Opposing Viewpoints

Sociology in Our Times: With Contemporary Readings.

Privilege, Power, and Difference

A New Look at Black Families, 4th ed.

Shelton, Mary

PSYC 3150, 3530, 4820

How to Care for Aging Parents.

Tools of Critical Thinking: Metathoughts for Psychology

Mick Harte Was Here

Jane Brody’s Guide to the Great Beyond

Silbulkin, Amy

PSYC 3150

Introduction to Learning and Behavior, 4th ed. 

Williams, Learotha

HIST 2010/20

Exploring American Histories; A Brief Survey with Sources; v.1 To 1877.

The Struggle for Freedom: A History of African Americans, v.1 and v.2.

The African American Odyssey, 5th ed. 2011. E185 H533 2002*

Life Upon These Shores: Looking at African American History. 2013

Yefru, Wosene

AFAS 2010,3620, 3650

African Centered Critical Thinking, Revised ed. DT14 Y44 2008*