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Political Science and International Affairs

General maps and atlases in the reference collection

The Reference collection on the second floor has a large collection of atlases.

General atlases include current political and/or physical maps of all regions of the world. Some of the best general atlases include:


Conflict Maps

Online maps and other cartographic information


The CIA world factbook offers static, relatively uncomplicated political maps that are a good choice for illustrating reports.

National map (U.S. Geological Survey) has dynamic, customizable topographic maps.

Euratlas contains maps and photographs of Europe and the world. Some pdfs are available for no charge.

The Library of Congress has some specialized map collections.

U.S. Forest Service has customizable physical and topographic maps.

United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs has general maps (mostly political) of all regions, plus some historical and mission maps.

Atlas of Canada has collections of both static and interactive/customizable maps, including political, economic, physical, and road maps.

Tennessee Department of Transportation maps

TNGenWeb maps 



Citing maps

Remember to cite cartographic sources, whether they are "static" or custom made. NCSU Library has a comprehensive Citing Maps:Maps and Atlases guide.