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Open Educational Resources

This guide will help faculty select and use open educational resources.


Free ebooks

Crisis of the Union --  from the University of Pennsylvania Libraries’ Schoenberg Center for Electronic Text & Image; books and documents about the Civil War, published between 1850 and 1874

Documenting the American South (DocSouth) – from the University of North Carolina; sixteen curated collections of documents

Documents in Law, History and Diplomacy (The Avalon Project at Yale Law School) -- documents arranged chronologically or thematically

Internet Modern History Sourcebook: Full Texts -- books and documents (including a few fiction titles) from the Reformation to the present

Making of America (MoA) -- – primary sources (journals and monographs) on American social history

Penn in the Age of Franklin, 1740-1790 – works by and about the University of Pennsylvania

Gutenberg Bible -- A digitized version of the Gutenberg Bible on display at the University of Texas' Harry Ransom Center.

Humanities Text Initiative -- the University of Michigan's guide to digital humanities collections from around the world

African American Women Writers of the 19th Century --  from the Schomburg Center at the New York Public Library

Alex Catalogue of Electronic Texts -- by librarian Eric Lease Morgan; English and American literature, western philosophy

Luminarium: Anthology of English literature -- has four sections: Medieval, Renaissance, 17th Century, and Restoration; includes some secondary sources and an encyclopedia

Folklore and Mythology Electronic Texts -- by leading folklorist Dr. D.L. Ashliman

Library of Southern Literature  – part of the University of North Carolina’s Documenting the American South

Middle English Compendium -- "designed to offer easy access to and interconnectivity between three major Middle English electronic resources: an electronic version of the Middle English Dictionary, a HyperBibliography of Middle English prose and verse, based on the MED bibliographies, and a Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse, as well as links to an associated network of electronic resources.”

Online Library of Liberty --  books on economics, assembled by the libertarian Liberty Fund

Schoenberg Center for Electronic Text and Image  curated electronic collections on a number of topics

Short Stories (East of the web) – an open submission site for short fiction

Wright American Fiction, 1851-1875  – based on librarian Lyle H. Wright’s bibliography of American fiction from the years 1851–1875, published as American Fiction 1851–1875: A Contribution Toward a Bibliography (San Marino, CA: The Huntington Library, 1957; revised 1965).

Avesta -- Zoroastrian Archives

Bible Gateway -- the Bible in numerous versions and languages

Christian Classics Ethereal Library -- books about Christianity, including Bible commentaries

Internet Sacred Text Archive -- a collection of sacred texts from most of the world’s religions; includes folklore and mysticism

American Verse Project  – approximately 170 volumes of American poetry published before 1920;

Bartleby Verse: American and English Poetry, 1250-1920 – one of the oldest and largest collections of English-language literature on the web

Bibliomania -- literary classics and guides to them

U.S. Army Center of Military History -- works on major time periods and themes of military history; also has the two-volume American military history

Supplemental materials