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Leadership Sources

This guide is designed provide sources for information on leadership across various fields of interest.

Publication Finder-The Journals in A-Z List

The A-Z list contains the titles of all the journals in databases that the library can provide in fulltext. It also has the capability of identifying journals by topic. By clicking on the Periodicals link on the library's webpage,  the Publication Finder helps patrons  find journals by title or topic. It will display all of our journal holdings, in all formats. Example:

Journals in Worldcat

Worldcat is an online database containing the catalog records of libraries around the world. It is provided by the Online Catalog Library Center, based in Ohio.  It can be used to identify titles in your library, in area libraries, or libraries in other states or countries. If the library does not have the title, it will identify libraries that have holdings and will allow borrowing.

To access the Worldcat, search the journal title or subject in the online catalog and look for the the Worldcat button on the right side of the screen: Worldcat Button

Clicking on the button will lead to the list books. To find articles, look under FORMATS in the left column and look for Downloadable Articles. Citations like this will appear:

Mobile Access to Articles

TSU has over 20 databases provided by EBSCOhost, such as Academic Search Premier, the Psychology and Behavior Collection, Environment Complete, Education Source, Food Science Source, Biological and Agricultural Sciences, etc. RODP also provides EBSCOhost databases, such as Nursing and Allied Health. If you need assistance with mobile access to the journals, please review the is Help Sheet:

Journals in Online Catalog

The online catalog contains the journal catalog records for all of the periodical titles in databases for which the library holds subscriptions. Simply search the title and a record will appear with links to the databases that supply fulltext articles from that journal.


The Journal of cases in educational leadership [electronic resource] University Council for Educational Administration.

Book Jacket


IN: SAGE Education Subject Collection 2017; [Tempe, AZ] : University Council for Educational Administration in cooperation with the University of Utah, 1998- Language: English, Database: TENNESSEE STATE UNIV Library catalog

Subjects: Educational leadership -- Periodicals; Educational leadership -- Research -- Periodicals