Jan Van Eyck
Below are web links to a selected list of artists of the 15th through the 17th centuries. Biographical information on these and other artists will also be found in our databses, Britannica Online, Art Cyclopedia, and Wikipedia. Many of the artists have video representation on www.youtube.com. The web links vary in content and should be treated as a starting point. In many cases the selected web site is just one of many interesting sites for a particularl Artist.
Claude Monet
Below are web links to a selected list of artists primarily from the 18th and 19th centuries. Biographical information on these and other artists will also be found in our databses, Britannica Online, Art Cyclopedia, and Wikipedia. Many of the artists have video representation on www.youtube.com. The web links vary in content and should be treated as a starting point. In many cases the selected web site is just one of many interesting sites for a particularl Artist.
Gerhard Richter
Below are web links to a selected list of artists of the 20th and 21st centuries. Biographical information on these and other artists will also be found in our databses, Britannica Online, Art Cyclopedia, and Wikipedia. Many of the artists have video representation on www.youtube.com. The web links vary in content and should be treated as a starting point. In many cases the selected web site is just one of many interesting sites for a particularl Artist.