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Voting and Elections

Your source for election information

Presidential Candidate Information

Information on the upcoming presidential election in 2024 can be found at the following websites- 

NBC News- Last update April 29th

U.S. News & World Report- Last updated April 18th

President Joe Biden withdrew from the presidential race on July 21st, 2024, and has endorsed Kamala Harris as the Democratic Party's nominee. As of August 6th, 2024, Harris has been certified officially as the Democratic Party's nominee. She has chosen Tim Walz, the governor of Minnesota, as her running mate. 


2024 Election Calendar

Presidential Preference Primary & State/County Primary

March 5, 2024

Voter Registration Deadline  February 5, 2024
Early Voting Period  February 13 -27, 2024
Absentee Ballot Request Deadline  February 27, 2024
ELECTION DAY  March 5, 2024


State/Federal Primary & State/County General Election

August 1, 2024

Voter Registration Deadline July 2, 2024
Early Voting Period Friday, July 12 - 27, 2024
Absentee Ballot Request Deadline Thursday, July 25, 2024
ELECTION DAY August 1, 2024


State/Federal General Election

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Voter Registration Deadline Oct 7, 2024
Early Voting Period Oct 26-31, 2024
Absentee Ballot Request Deadline  Oct 29, 2024
ELECTION DAY Tuesday, November 5, 2024


Previous Presidential Elections

Information on the previous presidential elections from 1789 to 2020 can be found on the 270toWin website. 

2024 Election Map

Government Documents Roundtable Voting and Elections Toolkit

Voting in Tennessee

Use online voter registration or download a Tennessee voter registration application and submit the application to your local county election commission. In order to participate in an election, a qualified voter must be properly registered no later than thirty (30) days before the election.

The election commission office will process any voter registration form that has been postmarked at least thirty (30) days before the election.

Once you are registered, tell your friends on social media by printing a sign and posting your photo with it using the hashtag #GoVoteTN . You can print it in color or black and white.

For citizens outside of Tennessee: If you are a resident of another state, visit the NASS lookup at to learn how you can register to vote. 

For additional information on how to register to vote, click here.

To be eligible to vote in Tennessee:

  • You must be a citizen of the United State
  • You must be 18 years of age or older on or before the date of the next election.
  • You must be a resident of Tennessee. View Guidelines for Determining Residency.
  • If you have been convicted of a felony, your eligibility to register and vote depends upon the crime you convicted of and the date of your conviction. If your conviction has been expunged or if you have had your voting rights restored, unless you were convicted of a crime that rendered you permanently ineligible to vote. See Eligibility to Vote after a Felony Conviction.

Did you move within your county or change your name?

You can change your address or change your name using the online voter registration system.

The voter registration application also servers as a name and/or address change request. Complete and sign the form. When updating your address within the county, the form may be mailed, faxed or emailed with an attached document which includes a scanned signature or submitted in person to you local county election commission office. The form must be signed and received no late than five (5) days before the election to process the change.

If the voter does not choose to use the above application, the voter may also submit, in writing, any address change within the county to their local county election commission office. The request must be signed and received no later than five (5) days before the election in order to process the change. 

If the voter has not updated their address and the voting period had begun, we encourage the voter to vote during the early voting period. (SEE ELECTION CALENDAR AT LEFT.) The voter may go to any early voting location within their county to update their address and vote. 

If the voter elects to wait to the day of the election to update this information and the voter's permanent voter registration differs from the voter's current address, the voter must complete and affidavit before being allowed to vote. The voter will be required to vote either at their new polling location or at a central location designation by the county election commission.

Did you move to a different county?

If you move to a different county, it is not considered an update. Your registration does not transfer to other counties in Tennessee.

A voter must register in their new county by using the online voter registration system, or by submitting a voter registration application to their local county election commission office in person or by mail.

All registration deadlines apply to new applications, therefore the voter must register no later than thirty (30) days before the election. If the voter submits the application by mail, the voter must vote in person at the first election. These rules apply even if you have been registered and voted in another county in Tennessee. 

Remember registrations do not transfer from county to county, and if the above requirements are not met the vot will not be allowed to vote in that election.

All voters must present a federal or Tennessee state ID containing the voter's name and photograph when voting at the polls, whether voting early or on Election Day unless an exemption below applies. The following information is provided to ensure ALL Tennessee voters have access to facts about the law.

What IDs are acceptable?

Any of the following IDs may be used, even if expired:

  • Tennessee driver's license with your photo
  • United States passport
  • Photo ID issued by the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security
  • Photo ID issued by the federal or Tennessee state government
  • United States Military photo ID
  • Tennessee handgun carry permit with your photo

What IDs are not acceptable?

College student IDs and photo IDs not issued by the federal or Tennessee state government are NOT acceptable. This includes county- or city-issued photo IDs, such as library cards, and photo IDs issued by other states. 

Who is exempt?

  • Voters who vote absentee by mail (view requirements here)
  • Voters who are residents of a licensed nursing home or assisted living center and who vote at the facility
  • Voters who are hospitalized 
  • Voters with a religious objection to being photographed
  • Voters who are indigent and unable to obtain a photo ID without paying a fee

What if I registered by mail and am voting in my first election?

Federal law requires first time voters who register by mail to present one of the following:

  • A current photo identification with voter's name and photo OR
  • If the photo identification is expired, the voter must also present one of the following: a copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck or other government document that shows the voter's name and address

Is an expired photo ID acceptable?

Yes, as long as it was validly issued by the federal or Tennessee state government and contains the name and photograph of the voter.

Is my photo ID acceptable?

If you are unsure or have questions about your photo ID, contact your county election commission or the Division of Elections at 1-877-850-4959

What if I don't bring a photo ID to the polling place?

If you don't bring a photo ID, you will vote a provisional ballot. You will then hae two (2) business days after Election Day to return to the election commission office to show a valid ID. Upon returning to the election commission office, the voter will sign affidavit and a copy of the voter's photo ID will be made to be reviewed by the counting board.

What if I don't have a photo ID?

You may obtain a free photo ID to vote from the Department of Safety and Homeland Security at any participating driver service center across the state. You may use the "express service" line at the driver service center to obtain your photo ID to minimize wait times. Visit the Department of Safety and Homeland Security's Voter Photo ID page for more information.

Where is my nearest driver service center?

Visit the Department of Safety and Homeland Security's Driver Service Center Locations page for information about locations and hours, closure advisories, and self-service kiosks and online renewal.

What will I need to get a free photo ID from the Department of Safety and Homeland Security?

You will need:

  • Proof of citizenship (such as a birth certificate), and
  • Two proofs of Tennessee residency (such as voter registration card, a utility bill, vehicle registration or title, or bank statement)
  • If your name differs from that on your primary ID, proof of the changed name (such as a certified marriage certificate, divorce decree, court order, etc.)

Learn more about the required documents at the Department of Safety and Homeland Security's Voter Photo ID page.

I have a driver's license, but it doesn't have a photo. Can I use it to vote?

No, but if you do not have another form of valid photo ID, the Department of Safety and Homeland Security will reissue your license with your photo for free upon request.

Can I get a free photo ID card even if I have one of the other acceptable forms of photo ID?

No. If you already have a valid government-issued photo ID for voting purposes, the Department of Safety and Homeland Security will not issue a free photo ID to you.

I can't afford a copy of my birth certificate, so I can't get a photo ID. Can I still vote?

Yes. If you cannot afford a copy of the documents required to obtain a free photo ID, you may sign a form stating under oath that you are indigent and have been unable to obtain an acceptable photo ID for voting without a paying fee.

Download Absentee Request Form

To vote by mail, a registered voter must meet certain requirements

A registered voter may request an application for a mail-in ballot no earlier than ninety (90) days before the election and no later than seven (7) days before the election. To be processed for the next election, the application must be received by the election commission no later than seven (7) days before the election.

To request a mail-in absentee ballot, mail, fax or email with an attached document, which includes a scanned signature, the following information directly to your local county election commission office:

  1. Name of the registered voter
  2. Address of the voter's residence
  3. Voter's social security number
  4. Voter's date of birth
  5. Address to mail the ballot out the county (this applies only when the reason for voting by mail involves that the voter will be outside of the county during early voting and on Election Day)
  6. The election in which the voter wishes to participate. If the election involves a primary, the political party in which the voter wishes to participate.
  7. Reason the voter wish to vote absentee. If applicable, a copy of the CDL containing the CDL number or the TWIC card must be included with the request. 
  8. Voter's signature

A request that contains this information will be process and a ballot will be mailed to the voter.

For additional information on absentee voting, visit the Tennessee Secretary of State's website.

What You Need to Know

Pertinent Websites



State and Local

General Voting Resources

Voter Rights, Voter Identification, Ballot Options