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Scholarly Publishing

Discusses topics related to the publishing and dissemination of scholarly works.

Open Scholarship

Since the advent of the internet scholars have been exploring new ways to share their scholarship and innovate the practice of scholarly inquiry. This has led to newer models of the sharing and working such as scientists and medical researchers sharing their research via blogs and pre-prints prior to articles being published, humanities scholars presenting their researching in unique digital media to other scholars and the public, and subject specific repositories to share various forms of scholarship related to particular fields and topics.

Open Science

ArXiv - An open access subject repository which contains preprints and datasets for the disciplines of:  physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance, statistics, electrical engineering and systems science, and economics

BioRxiv - An open access subject repository which contains preprints and datasets for biology

CDC Stacks - The federal repository of scientific research and literature produced by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

ChemRxiv - An open access subject repository which contains preprints and datasets for chemistry

Engrxiv - An open access subject repository of engineering works

PubAg - The federal repository of agricultural research and information kept by the Department of Agriculture

PubMed Central - The federal repository and database of biomedical and life sciences journal literature kept by the National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Open Humanities and Open Social Science

BodoArxiv - An open access repository form medieval studies works

Humanities Commons - An open access repository for works of various humanities disciplines and a network for scholars in the humanities

Open Edition - A portal for social sciences and the humanities work run by the Centre pour l'Édition Électronique Ouverte

PhilPapers - A comprehensive index and bibliography of philosophy works containing a large number of open access items

SocArXiv - An open access social sciences subject repository

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