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Thesis and Dissertation Resources

Dissertation Electronic Books

Electronic Books Concerning the Dissertation Process

IRB Compliance

The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has issued guidelines to institutions doing research involving the use of human subjects, and/or data collected from human subjects must be consulted by anyone desiring to use human subjects in their paper.

TSU Institutional Review Board (IRB) ensures adherence to guidelines concerning the use of human subjects and/or data collected from human subjects. Among other matters, these guidelines (45 CFR 46) are concerned with the protection of confidentiality of data and protection against physical, psychological, social, and legal risks. It is the policy of Tennessee State University that all research involving human subjects, whether federally funded or not, be reviewed by its Institutional Review Board, known as IRB, for adherence to the guidelines. Research projects may not be initiated until and unless this committee approves the project under these guidelines.
