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A Nursing Subject Guide to address many topics in nursing such as nursing education, nursing theory, family nursing, holistic nursing, nursing research/library reseach

Patient Care

The IOM (Institute of Medicine) defines patient-centered care as: “Providing care that is respectful of, and responsive to, individual patient preferences, needs and values, and ensuring that patient values guide all clinical decisions.” Patient-centered care is the practice of providing meaningful care to patients (and their families).

Patient Care in Pandemics

Pandemics and acute emergencies raise pressing medical, ethical and organisational challenges. These include global governance, priority setting, triaging of patients, allocation of scarce resources and restricting individual liberty in the interests of public health (Simonds & Sikol, 2009).  Below are resources for nurses delivering patient care during a pandemic.

Patient Education

Patient education refers to a process that doctors and other health professionals and community educators undertake to share information with patients and caregivers about their health and the lifestyle issues that affect it. Patient education has a long history, and has achieved a central importance in the understanding of health development and behaviors (Mercadal, 2019).

Picker's 8 Principles of Patient Centered Care


Patient Care Management


Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Videos