OpenStax is committed to ensuring that their websites and learning materials are as accessible as possible to the widest possible audience. More information can be found by reading the OpenStax Accessibility Statement (
The content, links, and images included in this textbook course package were developed to be accessible. Included are the use of alt text, image descriptions, URL link titles, accessible fonts, headings, and contrast.
Faculty adopting this textbook course package should check these components after importing this package into their Blackboard course sites. Faculty should modify items if needed to meet accessibility standards.
Faculty new to using an OpenStax textbook are encouraged to use the tips below to help access and incorporate the textbook into their course.
Report Your OpenStax Adoption
Go to to fill out the two-minute survey to let them know you are using OpenStax or recommending it as a resource. Your feedback will help secure funding to revise existing books and to create new ones.
Visit and select your book. Then choose your preferred format under “Get the book.” The web view is recommended, and the responsive design works seamlessly on any device.
OpenStax books come with free instructor resources, along with additional low-cost resources like online homework and adaptive courseware from our OpenStax Allies. To get access to these resources, make an instructor account. Then, once you’ve been verified, click on “Instructor Resources” on your book page on
Many students will look for the text in the campus bookstore. Confirm your campus bookstore is aware of your textbook adoption. They may be able to work with you in providing low-cost print versions of the OpenStax textbook.
Download the Student Getting Started Guide from the “Student Resources” section on your book page and provide it to your enrolled students. For your syllabus, you can include our Sample Syllabus Language (located under “Instructor Resources” on your book page on, and provide links to assigned sections from the web view of your book.
Like OpenStax on Facebook or follow them on Twitter and help spread the word about OpenStax. Faculty recommendation is critical to their mission of getting free, peer-reviewed, openly licensed textbooks into the hands of as many students as possible.
OpenStax books come with free instructor resources, along with additional low-cost resources like online homework and adaptive courseware from our OpenStax Allies. To access these resources, create an instructor account on the OpenStax Accounts page. Then, once you’ve been verified, click on “Instructor Resources” on your book's page at
Chemistry, Atoms First 2e - Instructor Resources
OpenStax books come with free instructor resources, along with additional low-cost resources like online homework and adaptive courseware from out OpenStax Allies. To access the textbook's "instructor resources" tab to review available resources for instructors. You will need to create a login to access the resourcs.