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Physical Therapy

Welcome! This guide will help to assist you with finding resources related to physical therapy.

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Call Numbers

Items are cataloged and shelved using Library of Congress classification. Here are the call number ranges for subject areas in Allied Health Sciences including Physical Therapy. Use these call numbers to locate books in specific subject areas:

GV 201-555 Physical education and training
GV 557-1198.995 Sports of various types
R 855-855.5 Medical Technology
R 856-859.7 Biomedical engineering. Electronics. Instrumentation. Computer applications to medicine
R 864-920 Medical records. Medical physics. Medical radiology. Nuclear medicine
RC 71-78.7 Examination. Diagnosis including radiography
RC 620-627 Nutritional diseases. Deficiency diseases
RC 1200-1245 Sports medicine 
RD 792-811 Physical rehabilitation 
RJ 206-235 Nutrition and feeding of children and adolescents
RM 182-190 Other therapeutic procedures, including acupuncture
RM 695-893 Physical medicine. Physical therapy, including massage, exercise, occupational therapy, radiotherapy
RM 930-950 Rehabilitation therapy, rehabilitation technology